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FlatApartment, studio for sale

Asking price £250,000
Matrix Court, 219 Alexandra Avenue, Harrow, Middlesex, HA2
Key Features & Description
  • 548 sq ft New Luxury Studio Ground Floor Apartment
  • Bespoke Kitchen with integrated appliances
  • Contemporary Bathroom
  • Under Floor Heating Throughout
  • Private Terrace
  • Secure Gated Underground Parking at an additional cost
  • Leasehold
  • Landscaped Communal Gardens
  • Walking Distance to Rayners Lane Station
  • Please note that the internal images are for indicative purposes only

Matrix Court is an impressively stylish and ultra-contemporary new development enjoying impeccably appointed studio, one and two bedroom apartments located within walking distance of Rayners Lane with its array of shops, restaurants and cafes and excellent transport links from Rayners Lane Station (Metropolitan/Piccadilly Line) offering swift access to central London in 25 minutes. South Harrow is also situated close by, with a range of local shops and South Harrow Station (Piccadilly Line). Each apartment has been equipped and crafted with the finest fixtures and fittings, from modern kitchens benefitting from underfloor heating throughout and contemporary bathrooms. All apartments enjoy generous living spaces for relaxing and entertaining offering access to a private balcony or terrace and include landscaped communal gardens and courtyards and children’s play area. Secure gated...

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Pinner Area Guide

Located within a residential area on the outer fringes of north-west London, Pinner has retained much of its ancient charm, particularly in the original village centre, despite its proximity to the capital.

With its church and delightful mock-Tudor buildings, Pinner is a picturesque place for a stroll and there are some lovely places to eat along the High Street and some charming gift shops too.

Considered the more affluent side of the London Borough of Harrow, Pinner has a strong sense of community, with four key events each year. Celebrations for St George’s Day in April, Pinner Fair in May, the Pinner Village Show in Pinner Memorial Park on the second Saturday in September and Pinner Pantomime Evening, which takes place on the last Thursday of each November.

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Data refers to prices and sales numbers achieved in the last 12 months (all residential property types).
House price change compares average prices achieved in the last 12 months with the previous 12 month period.
Sources: Dataloft, Land Registry, Dataloft Rental Market Analytics

Asking price £250,000

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